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Patients with AFib are ~5X more likely to have a stroke.1
This increased risk of stroke highlights the need for accurate and timely detection. A pulse check for at-risk patients, as part of a comprehensive patient assessment during an in-office or telehealth visit, can be a critical first step in the evaluation of AFib.2,3
Patients with AFib are ~5X
more likely to have a stroke.1
This increased risk of stroke highlights the need for accurate and timely detection. A pulse check for at-risk patients, as part of a comprehensive patient assessment during an in-office or telehealth visit, can be a critical first step toward diagnosing and managing AFib.2,3
AFib may be difficult to detect in some patients, such as those with asymptomatic or paroxysmal AFib. In addition to assessing patients in-office via electrocardiogram (ECG), remote monitoring with appropriate